Band Line Up 2022
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Some would have you believe that the glory days of the metal underground have passed; that the spirit of denim and leather, bullets, spikes and furious headbanging through the pain barrier were left behind in the near mythical ‘80s.
Well, if metal has moved on into a new sanitised age, if its essence is no longer infused with booze, sweat, Satan and dangerous volume levels, then nobody told DEVASTATOR…or maybe they did, but this band just don’t give a fuck.
Formed in 2017 and drawing from their influences worn so proudly on their sleeves, denims and leathers, Devastator live for the thrill of live performance, but they have managed to channel that unharnessed power and excitement in order to capture it all on the debut album “Baptised In Blasphemy”, released on Clobber Records in July 2020. Turn it up, close your eyes and you’ll taste that cheap beer and feel the heat of the lights.
Devastator have successfully taken metal’s grimy past and brought it into an even grimier present, in a short time they have rapidly become one of the most recognisable, active and noteworthy bands in the world of Black Thrash and beyond. Worship the Goat!
We are extremely proud and honoured to be playing Bloodstock Open Air 2022, we have been attending this festival for the better part of 20 years and it is always the highlight of the year for us as fans of Heavy Metal and live music in general, this is an extremely special moment for us. We cannot wait to hit the New Blood Stage on Sunday August 14th and unleash some black thrashing savagery upon the Bloodstock faithful – all hail and worship the goat!
FFO: Venom, Sodom, Motörhead, Bathory, Hellripper, Midnight.