Band Line Up 2015

Playing: Friday, 7th August 2015
Stage: Hopical Storm New Blood Stage
Band Photo Gallery
King Leviathan are a four piece thrash band from Brighton.
Devout worshippers of Speed, Violence and The Occult, King Leviathan have spread madness from their inception, and in only their first few months of existence this insatiable four headed beast had already laid waste to venues across the country.
Not content with eating their fill of followers in the cities and suburbs of Sheffield, Leeds and Northampton the beast then swathed a path to the south, descending upon Brighton's own 'Mammothfest', devouring the likes of Savage Messiah, Meta-Stasis, Mask Of Judas and Martyr Defiled. After feasting upon the valiant efforts of the champions of metal, culminating in joining Darkest Hour in a final devastation of Brighton in 2014, the new year will be beautifully defiant as the sonic violence of the Cult Of Leviathan spreads throughout 2015 - supporting Malefice, Vehement, Betraeus, Abhorrent Decimation, Reign Of Fury - and once again spreading the plague to Mammothfest 2015 with Onslaught, Psycroptic, Feed The Rhino and Hang The Bastard and more!
The Cult Of Leviathan ever grows, the launch of the aural contagion of the beasts latest EP ‘The Shrine’ will soon infect the masses, converting the pure into devout psychopaths of the cult!
Join in the worship of the Old Gods!
This is possibly the biggest thing we have ever done, its beyond insane! Since we started playing a year ago, we have always talked about playing Bloodstock and talked about how amazing it would be to play - Now that we're doing it, its mind blowing!